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Recognising the therapeutic link between the body-mind and psychospiritual issues we face through life, groupwork is offered seasonally at virtual TRANSFORMATIVE LIFE CENTRE – also known as TLC online. It is for this reason, “content” creation of spiritual courses was added to the suite of services, offered as “WORKSHOPS;” and adapted into comprehensive workshop programs as a form of Community Education & Information and facilitated by Grace. In addition, these workshop programs are to support clients’ underlying spiritual foundation for wholeness and wellness in their need to facilitate their ongoing transformative life changes and spiritual growth.

Within transpersonal psychotherapeutic work at TLC, you will come across at various times, techniques, and tools that may be used, depending on the nature of the issue that the client presents. Therefore, you will always be offered the choice of whether you want to participate with the technique and tools once the therapist explains how she intend working with these. You will always have the option to say YES or NO if that way of working does or does not appeal to you.

Working with symbols and/or metaphors in therapy is about working with the expression of symbolic language; evoked by your relationship to your situation – cultural and ancestral. Working with metaphor might mean allowing yourself the use of words to expand on the feeling aspect that create the experience in more imaginative terms. It is possible from here to allow a story to unfold with the metaphor as a starting point. This process can lead to surprising insights and energetic shifts; as symbols and metaphors are a powerful link between the unconscious and conscious minds.


Spiritual Seekers,

Change doesn’t happen by accident—it starts with clear intentions and a vision for what’s possible. But how do you move past the old patterns, doubts, and stories that hold you back? Come join us and learn of ways we as a community explore and experience this change as we dive deep into our 8-week Course:

Introduction to what darkness is

In truth, there can be many shades of darkness: spiritual, psychological, and emotional – unconscious and subconscious and/or a mixture of all of them.

Most of us have come to realise, that we live in a programmed matrix, where our ego perspectives oppresses people in our civilization, no matter where in the world or on the planet, we come from, as the power of our words and actions as “energy” flows into the ocean of the unified field, oblivious, without realising the karma those actions are creating for our lives.

What this course is about

Darkness can be viewed as the “dark night of the soul” – a stream of psychological phenomenon that often breaks into and interrupts your day-to-day life and living. That enters unannounced, blind-sided, often termed as a spiritual episode, a spiritual awakening, or a spiritual emergence. It can also appear as one who is extremely negative, or a refusal to look at your own subconscious/unconscious stuff (ancestral and/or learned) or being overwhelmed by actual negative projections of “bad spirits” of an external negative energy – energy that originates from other individuals or situations or belief in them. This can often be associated with feelings of malice, aggression, and hostility. How do we deal with such phenomena?

In this Workshop, we dive deep to excavate and explore ways we can eradicate/transmute this darkness and/or beliefs, or actual real lived-experiences. Utilising audio visuals, esoteric teachings and group discussions, will enable us to better grasp the depth of this hidden reality; allowing us to seek better practical alternatives in dealing with these energetic processes whether perceived as real or unreal.

Course goal

GO WITHIN. Allow the wisdoms to resonate with you from the teachings you receive each week -LIVE ONLINE, weekly pdfs and audio-visuals, bring forth the collective consciousness of the universe. As you open yourself to the teachings, may you find peace, clarity, and a deeper understanding of the messages, your purpose and then, let the magic guide you.


  • 8-week Course: Monday 10th February – Monday 31st March 2025
  • INVESTMENT: $250 + WEEKLY PACKAGE + PAYMENT PLAN X 2 = $125 per fortnight
  • 1 st payment at REGISTRATION – 10th Feb & second payment 24th Feb – payment made 24hrs before class
  • +Weekly workshop package
  • If unable to attend, RECORDING will be emailed
  • Zoom Online – Access given at REGISTRATION

Book Online


Spiritual Seekers,

Change is a constant, no matter how much you try to ignore it; it doesn’t happen by accident—no matter if it appears out-of-the-blue, it starts with clear intentions and a vision for what is possible. It is no coincidence or accident; but yet you ask, how do I move past the old patterns of thinking, the doubts – that its always been this way, and stories that hold you back? The time has come to join with us to navigate and learn what we as a community group want to explore and experience, especially now, during this period of the great ascension of our consciousness, as we take a deep dive into our 8-week Course in

What is the SOUL About?

The human soul is the part of a person that is not physical. It is the part of every human being that is said to be eternal – the part that we know or have heard to be eternal especially after the body experiences death. Yet in truth, the soul is our true essence that exists non-physically. We can comprehend this as energy, or as an abstract concept like quantum physics.

In this Workshop, we take a deep-dive into What Is The Soul? and how do we know if it really exist? And what has it got to do with us as human beings? Is it connected to our Purpose? And where is it on our body?

To better understand these questions, we will explore more broadly, the nature of our incarnation – we as “FRACTALS” who we are as the essence of BEING, by turning to and utilising the remnants of age-old historical artefacts, esoteric and philosophical teachings, audio-visuals and discussions to grasp the knowledges that has been mostly hidden from us or rather, hidden from view through nonsensical interpretations.

  • 8-week Course: Monday 26th May – Monday 14th July 2025
  • INVESTMENT: $ 250 PLUS JULY INCREASE @ $80 each = $250 + $80 + $80 = $410
  • + PAYMENT PLAN X 4 (1 st payment $125 @ REGISTRATION – 26th May; 2nd payment $125 on 9th June; 3rd payment $80 23rd June,
  • 4th payment $80 on 7th July) – payments made 24hrs before class
  • + Weekly workshop package
  • If unable to attend, RECORDING will be emailed
  • Zoom Online – Access given at REGISTRATION

Book Online


Spiritual Seekers,

Change is a constant, no matter how much you try to ignore it; it doesn’t happen by accident—no matter if it appears out-of-the-blue, it starts with clear intentions and a vision for what is possible. Nature expects it; Conscience demands it. It is no coincidence or accident; but yet you ask, how do I move past the old patterns of thinking? There is always a time when you are challenged by old, antiquated ways of being and doing, even by morality; and becoming an individual and letting go of the herd-mentality or societal and peer pressure. This is how we are affected by change –
it’s called “growth” – maturity. The time has come to join with us to navigate and learn what we as a community group want to explore and experience, especially now, during this period of the great ascension of our consciousness, as we take a deep dive into our 8-week Course in: –

‘Androgyny’ is the combination of masculine and feminine characteristics in a person. Androgyny can also refer to a person’s gender expression, which is how they present their gender.

You may be wondering and asking, why would my Guides put this subject as a discussion topic for us to discuss. You would be correct for asking the question. It has been set aside for our attention and for discussion because it has been pointed out, that this is a subject most pertinent to the nature of who we are as a species, and as such, requires a foundation as the underlying perspective to be accounted in it, for “innerstanding”. When we engage with the foundational perspective, then some empathy, acceptance, and understanding can be given as to why this “androgynous” nature of the sexes seem so prominent. It is not a question of being “good” or “bad”, it just is. And the “isness” can be seen from a higher perspective than where it stands in society today.

It is for this reason that hypocrisy and lack of understanding seems widespread and paramount; and the sooner we as a community can understand the higher perspectives then we all are able to handle and deal with the inconsistencies and programmed discrimination far better than we have so far. These inconsistencies and programmed beliefs and behaviours have caused and are still causing much emotional turmoil and disruption in family circles today. Given we are spiritually going through a collective ascension in consciousness, we would be better prepared to deal with those going through emotional trauma because of the programmed inconsistencies with trust, unbiased belief and your open heart with empathy when it comes to this biologically natural phenomena of Nature.

  • 8-week Course: Monday 8th September-Monday 27th October 2025
  • INVESTMENT: $640 + WEEKLY PACKAGE + PAYMENT PLAN X 4 = $160 @ REGISTRATION – 8th Sept; 2nd payment $160 on 22nd Sept.
  • 3rd payment $160 on 6th Oct; 4th payment $160 on 13th Oct) – payments made 24hrs before class
  • + Weekly workshop package
  • If unable to attend, RECORDING will be emailed
  • Zoom Online – Access given at REGISTRATION

Book Online


FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT Is the third and final Workshop in the Spiritual Awakening Event Series.


Fruits and vegetables contain important vitamins, minerals and plant chemicals. They also contain fibre. There are many varieties of fruit and vegetables available and many ways to prepare, cook and serve them. These are natural medicines for your physical body. I am using agricultural analogies for a reason and that is because our spiritual growth is slow and seasonal. Physical fruit takes weeks, months, and even years to arrive on the tree; but farmers do not panic, because they know what has been planted. Similarly, spiritual fruit takes serious time before it is visible. Our spiritual life has bountiful blessings of fruit for our embodied soul, but then we have seasons where a lot of soil work, root-work, and under-the-surface work calls out to us to get ready for the next season. You would know this if you were a serious “gardener.” So, what is next? Well, you have heard the Call and you have responded, now the Cosmos and the Higher beings want to impart the rewards of your final Teaching. So, Step-up! Come, this way!! And accept the high vibes and embody…!


Starseeds, Wayshowers & spiritual individuals who attended Part 1 & 2 (If you attended Vision Quest & Talking Circle then you would be eligible for this workshop; however, if you are an ongoing member of TLC’s workshops you would be permitted to join this workshop too)


The nature of spiritual fruit, as fruit, reminds us to celebrate what we ‘see.’ The presence of any “fruitfulness” in our lives, is a reason to be joyful. Maybe you have heard that patience is a virtue, well, it turns out it is also a fruit of the Spirit. But, did you know, we can even bear fruit while waiting for fruit. How about that? When strawberries are out of season, kiwis are in; and bananas are always in season—so is love, it never ends. If you are serious about spiritual gardening, you will not want to miss this last episode of our Spiritual Awakening Event Series for Starseeds, Wayshowers, and spiritually-minded individuals. So come on, what are you waiting for, sign up, and get to hear the Teachings you need to hear for your “fruitful future” within the Community of the New Earth.

8 Week Course

What to expect

  • 8 weekly presentations with weekly resources
  • Zoom online (with recordings if non-attendance)
  • Friendly like-minded individuals

What to bring

  • Bring along an open mind
  • Your participation
  • Journal & Pen
  • Water/Tea for hydration

Where: Zoom Online

Book online

Basic Astrology Workshop

Basic Astrology (Level 1)

When you look up to the night sky, are you intrigued… Curious, about the starry heavens above?

Come study Basic Astrology Level 1 with me and satisfy your wonderment.

You will be amazed what the heavens will reveal to you!

10 Week Course


  • Early Bird: $450 
  • Normal Price: $550
  • Payment plan option: 3 x part payment
    • First payment when booking
    • 2nd payment 
    • Final payment 

Dates: If interested in this Workshop: Please enquire: +61 414 992 593 / or email 

  • 7:30pm – 9:30 pm (Online using Zoom)

Learning to Read the Stars

Astrology is an ancient sacred language that spans the Egyptian, Greek, Roman and Medieval epochs, bringing the pantheon of human history and civilisation to the contemporary world.

Modern Western Astrology is a form of divination. The Great luminaries, the Sun and the Moon, the nine planets from our solar system and the minor asteroid, Chiron – known as the wounded healer in Greek mythology will be studied (there are many asteroids, too numerous to study at basic level). Each planet has a myth that connects them to the archetypal traits that we find within human characteristics and behaviours. Learning Western astrology, and how the stars influence our lives, can equip us with psychological insights about human nature and ourselves.

At the end of the course, your expanding knowledge of Astrology will allow you to form a broad and empathetic understanding about yourself and your fellow group members, enough to get you doing charts for your own family and friends too.

What to expect:

  • A supportive, inspiring group experience
  • Map and explore your own natal chart
  • Learn the signs, the houses, and the planets – archetypes
  • Bringing it all together in the final weeks

10 Week Course

  • Early Bird: $450 
  • Normal Price: $550
  • Payment plan option: 3 x part payment
    • First payment when booking
    • 2nd payment 
    • Final payment 
Basic Astrology Workshop

Basic Astrology (Level 2)

 10 Week Course


  • Early Bird: $450 
  • Normal Price: $550
  • Payment plan option: 3 x part payment
    • First payment when booking
    • 2nd payment 
    • Final payment

Dates: If interested: Please enquire – +61 414 992 593 / or email

  •  (Online using Zoom)

Mythological Astrology

Come and quench your thirst into the Mythologies of Astrological Gods & Goddesses Once filled, your understanding of the Natal Chart will spring into new life Transforming how you interpret the planets, luminaries, and asteroids of the Zodiac

What to expect:

  • Learn the myths of the Gods & Goddesses
  • Learn the significant Asteroids
  • Explore the Natal Chart with the mythological backstory
  • Learn the meanings of Crosses & Squares
  • Putting it all together

10 Week Course

  • Early Bird: $450 
  • Normal Price: $550
  • Payment plan option: 3 x part payment
    • First payment when booking
    • 2nd payment 
    • Final payment 


6 Week Course


Dates & Time: Please call +61 414 992 593 if interested, to go on waitlist

  •  7:30 – 9 pm (Q&A until 9:30)

Let dreams be your guide In one of the most enlightening journeys you will ever take into the world of your unconscious mind.

Join us on a 6-week journey excavating the meaning of our interior dreamscape of colour, signs and symbols that lead us to deeper spiritual awakening of the life our soul is carving out for us.

What is this about?

The Dream is like a truth of sorts; it is like ink on blotting paper- oozing into a great patchwork of sorts. The patchwork derives from dreams interconnecting with past present and future; no separation in the dreamscape dimension. It is as if a picture on the wall, seen at night by the light of the stars on which the mind induces various forms according to its fancy. It is when the light of the sun, rises after the dawn, shines upon it, and brings to view, not only its contours, but also its specifics. Each week we will learn ancient stories, symbols, and signs to bring meaning and clarity to the dreams on which we have been fixated. We will learn how to intuitively read the dreams of each other. Every symbol carries an elemental power that transcends boundaries and holds significance for each dreamer; similar content will have a different meaning depending on who is dreaming the dream.

Why do this workshop?

How we dream and how we interpret dreams is analysed as a way of accessing our subconscious fears, desires, and preoccupations. We will be able to describe, discuss and illustrate the fascinating dream elements, messages, and their relevance in our lives TODAY. So, start journaling those dreams – day dreams, night dreams, and lucid dreaming: they all matter as you will discover!!

What to expect:

  • 6 x weekly meetings with weekly resources
  • Tuesdays 7:30 – 9pm on Zoom (with Q&A until 9:30pm on Zoom)
  •  Bonus Q & A 
  • What to bring:
  • Bring along one dream
  • Your participation
  • Journal and Pen
  • Water / Tea-drink 


Meditation for Men

Meditation for Men, Boys, Fathers & Husbands

Join an authentic wholehearted committed group of males in a six-week journey of meditation.

6 Week Course

$250 + weekly notes + topical discussions

Please contact 0414 992 593 to be placed on a waitlist.  

What to expect:

  • 6 x 1.5 hrs virtual group meetings
  • 8pm – 9.30pm

What to Bring:

  • Participation & your questions
  • Bring water / tea-drink to hydrate
  • Pen & journal

If interested in this WORKSHOP 
Please enquire TLC: 0414 992 593 or email

Discover to Uncover

Discover to Uncover – Shadow Work & Family Constellation

The force-field of intergenerational/ancestral family systems to release the shadow of the unconscious within you.

8 Week Course

If interested in this WORKSHOP 
Please enquire TLC: 0414 992 593 / or email

$250 + weekly notes + spiritually minded starseeds


What is this about:

Often, we find ourselves locked in with patterns hard to shrug off. These patterns can create discomfort and encumbrances within us that often sabotage our careers, relationships with partners, friends, family members and offspring without knowing why but they leave us disempowered to mend them. This too, happens within the family structure – to a son, daughter, father, nephew etc. And we feel helpless to offer genuine help that can release them from this nightmarish trauma. And, often this can potentially be as a result of some traumatic event; and trauma can sometimes be from past lives, from ancestral structural systems.

We also incarnate into this life with family systems that are needing healing in order to release the pattern. We can find that family members incarnate into the same family, bringing back that which was not worked through, ended or healed in our past and find ourselves enmeshed/embroiled in the same way.

When this pattern evokes unworkable patterns and behaviours, family members including ourselves, become trapped, bitter and entangled/triangled with others until something volatile breaks the individuals’ connection to this intergenerational anathema.

How can this be addressed:

From this situation family constellation can be introduced and addressed. Family constellation basically means that each individual belongs to and is bonded in relationship to other members of his or her family system (we can also work in this way and not be biologically related). And one can inherit trauma that is passed down the generations.

Studies in family constellation was initially used by Alfred Adler, MD and psychotherapist and subsequent studies by Brian Dias from Emory uni school of medicine that provided some of the best evidence for the inheritance of memories or traits across generations. But, more recently, studies of Bruce Lipton’s epigenetics, provided features in addition to the traditional genetic basis for inheritance. This process of working is also drawn from indigenous spiritual mysticism that contribute towards releasing tensions, lightening emotional burdens, and resolving real-world problems.

It is from these patterns of inherited trauma we specifically deal with family constellations and shadow work as we find unconscious stuff difficult or hard to deal with in other therapeutic ways: often enmeshed with ancestral residue making it, often hellish, to clearly “see” what is “our stuff” and which isn’t.

Who is this workshop for:

Anyone committed to evolving, shifting old perceptions and ready to engage in raising their consciousness. Working with shadow in family constellation is the process and method of approach by which we will be working to discovering “our shadow stuff” in order to transform and heal our inner self and therefore, our inner life; in doing so, our relating and relationships miraculously heals too. Family constellation method is utilised in this workshop given the nature of the individuals attracted to this process who are first and foremost, spiritual and committed to working together in a group that is like-minded, non-judgemental and loving, ready to show compassion and understanding to their fellow group members. Therefore, only those committed in this way is eligible to work in this workshop and to maintain group privacy with whatever is shared among the group members.

What to bring:

  • An open mind and an open heart
  • A journal and pen
  • Water to hydrate
  • Questions to generate discussion
  • A willingness to share one’s lived experience or that of one’s family structure to enable understanding of this important, yet often bypassed, spiritual work

8 x 1.5 hrs workshops

If interested in this WORKSHOP 
Please enquire TLC: 0414 992 593

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